Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/109

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circle, are the largest of the group, one of which is known us the temple of Larajonkgrang, " the pure exalted ^'irgin."

Like others we had already seen, these sacred buildings are built of hewn trachyte, and the main features of the architecture are simple enougli. Each temple stands u])on a basement ])rop()rtionate to its size, that which we ascended being from six to seven feet from the ground. Niches filled with fiL^res are arranged on each side, and elaborate carvings ornament the exterior in eveiy direction. Four great flights of steps lea<l to this basement, from which smaller ones <-onduct to fanes standing one above another, the highest surmounted with a supersti'ucture Hke a >\n;i]\ lower or jivramid.

Entering the lir.-; of tliese fanes, we found a cliamlic!' about six U-ni sipiai'c, with a pyramidally formed roof, about twenty feet from the floor. The figure of Durga, or, as sht; is called here,

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