Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/113

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From this elevation we had a fine view of the surrounding country, and of the temples and ruins below us. Opposite to that in which we stand, is the one next in size. Near the road leading to Chundevsewu, a large space of ground is covered with temples and several tanks. On a clear day the tower of Chundeysewu is dis- tinctly visible, being only about a mile and a half distant. It is situated amidst a plantation of trees, and is differently ct)nstructed from the buildings of IJrandjanan. Its ])rinci[)al entrance is guarded by two enormous figures in stone, holding sw(jrds in their hands, and \ery much like the large cnies we saw at Siiigosari.

About a luile fi'ttiii Urandjanan we ])ass('d the temple of Kalassaii, a large, solid-looking building, with four ]ii-iiicipal entrances, and niches for figuro ou both sides. The chandlers within are vei'ydark and gloomy, and the figures in them few and insignificant. The temple is situated in the

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