pursuers. It was a most amusing sight, but des- tined to be of short duration, for the unclean brute suddenly took his tormentors by surprise, by turn- ing suddenly to the right and entering the jungle, where he was soon lost to sight. A few smaller ones started up from f urzy bushes and small clumps of trees, but these too soon proved they could out- run the curs.
When we were in the jungle, we dismounted, and left our horses with the grooms, directing them where to wait for us. Our host now ])osted us in different directions, so as to meet the game as they were di-Iveii towards us Iiy the men. As, by this arraiig<'inent, we were each left alone, and far from oiic aiiothcr, I took tin- precaution to y)lace jnvself iimiicdialcK- bcfuiv a lai'gc tree, to avoid any chance of lieing siiddenK' attacke(l fi-om beliind for I was coiii|)letelv liemiiieil in b\' trees, which, like a (au'tain, hid frDnuuv view e\ervtliiiig bevond their narrow Hniits.
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