pool of blood, by drops of which I traced a zlf^-zag track for a short distance.
Disappointed, but far from despairing, I reloaded, took lip my station once more ao-ainst the tree, and again waited my cliance. No sooner was I thus prepared than the leaves crackled once more, but this time under a lighter tread; then there was a whirl and a whiz in the air, a scattering of leaves ai'ound, and a sjjlendid })eacock ascended between tiic network of liranches; in a second my gun was off, alas, to my great anncjyance, with as little good f(;rtune as before.
The oidy subse(pu;nt disturbers of my solitude were some young boars, which, litlh; dexterity being reipiired in their pursuit, J captured without (litlicuhy.
For an hour or two J heartl loud hai-king, and knowing thi! dogs to he near, I ([uitli'd my j)ost in order to see wh;it was going on. .\s 1 ap])roached I heard the voices of the men crying, " Alahiyu I
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