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Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/29

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down their game a few, however, carrying fowhng-[)ieces, a weapon which a nati\"e is always proud to number among his possessions. I was told' by our host that as many as twenty and thirty are killed on these occasions in one morning ; and as few, if any, of the Javanese will eat pork, the carcasses arc thrown away, or cooked for the dogs. The villagers, who keep and rear these dogs, re- ceive as an encouragement, in addition to two guntangs (a uative measure) of rice, five rupees a mouth dui'iug the si;as(jn.

During our stay at Madioen, the gentleman with wlujm we were residing to(jk me to see the sale of licences f(n' the disjiosal of ojdum.

This is an aniuial auction, held in all the IJe- gc'iK'ics and lu'^iclcncles oi .Ia\a. At a fixed period of the year cei'tain towns arc named by Government as the localities on which the j)i"ivilege of selling o])ium has be'cn confcri'eil. Tin's jtri- vilege they enjoy exclusively for a whole yeai",

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