Page:Life in Java Volume 2.djvu/310

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its lengthened monotony, its sombre colouring, its cold, uninteresting outlines, or by the heated, dried - up plains over which he has to pass. I apprehend the reader may sometimes have been fatigued by my descriptions of the scenes over which I have conducted him. My aim, however, has been to supply a deficiency of information on a part of the tropics often trodden, but of which we have few trustworthy records. If I have succeeded in giving a true description of what I saw, and if the fore- going pages should prove both a source of amuse- ment and instruction, I shall indeed feel well satisfied.

To my book, ere we part, let me say, Slamat jalan (" Happy journe}' !") May thy way be as pleasant as ours was, during our interesting excur- sion through the hi^ppy, smiling land of Java !

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