Mi;. A' , the secretary, our liost in Matlioen,
most kindly pressed us to stay with him as h)ng as we could; but, as we were anxious to be once more ('// ?Yy?//<', we were unable to avail ourselves of his generous hdspitalitv beyond a few days. Accord- ingly, having; taken leave of our friend in need, the worthy schoi)lmaster, we l)ade adieu with some re- gret til our lnjst, and left about six in the evening of a wi't, i^loomv dav, foi" the small town with the na-al->oundin^ name of Xaawie, whei'e we arrived vcvv late. Sonic minutes clajisrd before the landl(M"d of the oidy loueiiieiit the [ilace affordiMl uiade his a])])e;ii-,iiice, ill aiiswer to the summons of Drahman ; but wlu'ii he did come, and was made to understand our wants, he (|uickly shook off tin; effects of his
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