So far as we could see and learn, these native sovereigns are perfectly content with their present position. The titles, rank, and orders, which, from time to time, the King of Holland confers upon them, are regarded as marks of honour, which they receive with gratification. They are, how- ever, given to petty jealousies and rivalries among themselves, and, probably, if left entirely to their own guidance, might prove the truth of the
" That he may take Who has the power, And he may keep who can/'
The fort lies in the centre of the town, from
which four roads branch off in opposite directions.
It is surrounded b}' a deep ditch, continually filled
with water, which is fed by two large tanks. The
walls are mounted with guns of a large calibre,
some of which, in case of an insurrection, could be
easily directed against the outer gates of the Kraton,
situated at no great distance.
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