Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/130

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pressive atmosphere of frankincense, into the pure spring air, beneath the free open heaven!

For the establishment of this Lutheran church, we have to thank the late Prussian minister, now Baron von Bunsen, who obtained means from the King of Prussia for this purpose. In connection, also, with the church, and through the same endeavors, has a hospital been established, also on the Tarpeian rock, for Protestant Christians, together with a house where travelers of this faith can be accommodated.

In the afternoon, I went to the church of the Augustines, to see the kissing of the golden foot of the Madonna. This ceremony was being performed still more zealously than on the former occasion. How they came in troops and companies, well and ill dressed, men and women, old people and young children! How they pressed around the jewel-covered, lamp-lighted, marble figure!—a beautiful figure, with a mild, noble, maternal expression. How fervently they kissed her golden toes! One old soldier kissed them six times in succession, with great feeling. Afterwards, they took of the holy oil (in a lamp), and touched with it their forehead, throat, breast, and neck. It was, however, remarkable to witness, and that for hour after hour. The place was never empty; frequently there was an amazing crowd! Much money was heard to chink as it fell down into the box at the foot of the Madonna. A number of people were on their knees, praying before the altar. Two of these, an elderly man and woman, had both of them such an affecting expression of deep feeling in their countenances and manner, that I could not but