Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/171

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The king there has twice endeavored to introduce religious freedom, but they would not have it!

Myself.—I know it, your Holiness; but Sweden in former times has suffered from Catholics in the country, and old laws still remain unrepealed in consequence. But it will not long be so, I hope. My countrymen will learn to have confidence in the power of truth and of Christianity.

The Pope.—Your reigning queen is Catholic.

Myself.—Yes, your Holiness, and the noblest of women; an example to her sex, an ornament to the throne.

The Pope.—All Christian princes and people ought to believe on the Pope and obey him. Their not doing so arises from pure pride and a worldly mind. Hence state churches have arisen. The Emperor of Russia will not acknowledge the Pope, because he wishes to be Pope himself. Queen Victoria will not acknowledge the Pope, because she herself will be Popess, and so it is in every country where there is a State church. Belief in the Pope, as the head of the Christian church is the only rational and consequent thing, it is that alone which leads to unity and clearness. The church is an organization; a representative monarchy with its supreme head; a spiritual state. If in a state, people will not obey the supreme head, then there can be neither clearness nor order; every thing becomes confusion.

Myself.—We believe in Jesus Christ, and acknowledge Him alone, as head of the Christian church.

The Pope.—But Jesus Christ is in Heaven, and must have a representative on earth; and this He ap-