Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/209

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conversation as by her example, had upon the higher order of the priesthood in Rome and Naples, which at that time had sunk into immorality and all kinds of disorder. When her eldest son, Karl Brahe, beloved by the immoral Queen Johanna of Naples, was on his way to become her husband, the holy Brigitta prayed night and day that this marriage might not take place; and as the young man died before the marriage, the abbé considered it as a proof that her prayers were heard.

In the afternoon, I went with Jenny, to the Church of San Luigi di Francesi—where during the whole of Lent, sermons are preached in French for the French military in Rome—to hear a Carmelite monk, who now is the rage. The Monk, Père Marie Louis, has one of those beautiful heads, which are given in paintings to the ancient ascetics and saints. A wreath of scanty locks surrounds the head; the countenance, with its delicate, regular features, tells of much fasting and prayer; the expression is perfectly spiritual, mild, and peaceful. His discourse was full of life, the delivery and voice clear as crystal, salutary to the mind as pure coloring or melody. The proofs which he adduced for the divinity of Jesus Christ were not new, but the fervor with which he spoke, the increasing earnestness towards the end of his discourse, and its concluding exclamation—it was riveting, incomparable! Père Marie Louis, is either a holy man—or a great artist! I saw two Protestants quite transported by his discourse!

After the sermon he explained the conditions which were absolutely necessary for the obtaining of Indul-