Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/238

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alone in my Roman house. The good young girl, who has made this winter beautiful to me, has this morning, in company with our young countryman Baron Nordenfalks, returned to her northern home, and to her relatives. Her life's romance will soon commence there, an important chapter.

They are also, in my Swiss home by “the living waters,” making ready for a wedding, and the preparations are worthy of the pure earnestness, the idyllian beauty and peace of the Swiss home. How fresh are those valleys!

Whilst my young sisters are making ready for the joyous festival of life, I am myself looking forward to a conflict which has been for some time silently preparing, in the manner which I will now relate.

One day—I believe it was in January—Madame de M—— took me in her carriage a drive in the park of the Villa Borghese, when unfortunately, our conversation turning upon Luther, Madam de M—— made use of the expression, “that Luther, who misled so many souls,” I added, “the honest, truth-loving Luther, who led them to the knowledge of God's word!” In this spirit of contradiction we paused, and I saw no more of Madame de M—— for several weeks. A coolness had come between us.

Resolved in all things and with all my acquaintances to be in every respect honest and true, I made no effort to regain the friendly good will of any one, the basis of which was religious zeal to which I could not respond. But the spring came and with it my countrywomen. The Grand-Duchess Helena again brought us together unexpectedly. Again Madame