Page:Life in the Old World - Vol. II.djvu/307

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God and one judgment of the world.” And this enunciation I also seem to read as the new written leaves of the Roman Sybil.

"The old must pass away or rise again, transformed, glorified. The Phenix must ascend from her pyre into the morning light of a higher, better world,—or pass away in its ashes——The Catholic church will be born anew.——It possesses the seed of eternal life. But the Popedom.

Roma, addio!


Arrival at Naples—Eruption of Vesuvius—Life in Naples—Unexpected arrival at Ischia—Mrs. M. and Mr. N.—An enchanted Island—The Princess Elsa and Waldo—Romantic Days and Weeks—The King and Queen of Naples—The People on the Island—Sorrento—Love and Disquiet—Noble and Ignoble Love—Folks-Festival and Folks-Life—Our Domestic-Life—Worship of the Virgin—The Prince of Syracuse—Days at Capri—Arnalfi—Salerno—Pestum—Pompeii—Something enchanted—The Romance continued—How will it end.

Naples, May 29th.—The first sight which meets me here is of a grand character, that of Vesuvius in full eruption. A primal phenomenon stands there speaking, in hieroglyphics of fire and smoke, of the mysteries of the creation and the abyss, and no human mind has been able to interpret them. The eruption commenced three days ago—the very day that we left Rome—and probably may prove one of the most important which has occurred for many years. Vesuvius,