Page:Life of Henry Clay (Schurz; v. 2).djvu/432

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Rush, Richard, Secretary of the Treasury, i., 258; Anti-Mason, 343.

Rusk, Thomas J., ii., 329, 349.

Russell, Jonathan, peace commissioner, i., 100, 251.

Russell, Lord John, ii., 279.

Santa Ana, Lopez de, ii., 89, 90, 280; provisional president of Mexico, defeated at Buena Vista and other battles, 286.

Sargent, Epes, on compromise of 1835, ii., 12.

Sargent, Nathan, i., 160; ii., 194, 266.

Scott, Winfield, ii. 178, 179; expedition upon Vera Cruz, 285; wins victories and enters City of Mexico, 286; defeated in convention, 305, 398, 399; nominated for the presidency, 402.

Sedgwick, Theodore, ii., 258.

Sergeant, John, on Missouri question, i., 185, 293; nominated for vice-president, 356; ii., 208.

Seward, William H., i., 343; ii., 176; supports Taylor, 312, 329; speech against compromise, 342-344, 345, 389, 404.

Shadrach case, ii., 378, ff.

Slavery, i., 27-31, 172, ff, 194-200, 299-307; ii., 70, ff, 152, ff, 232, 261, 285, 291, 309-312, 313, 315-318, 319-322, 324, 329-346, 366-372, 375-382.

Slidell, John, Minister to Mexico, ii., 275, 276; demands reception, 283.

Sloat, Commodore, ii., 275.

Smith, Oliver H., on Calhoun resolutions, ii., 157.

Smith, Truman, ii., 329.

Soulé, Pierre, ii., 329, 349.

Southard, Samuel L., Secretary of the Navy, i., 258; Senator, opposes removal of deposits, ii., 26; on four years term law, 68; against expunging resolution, 101; opposes Van Buren's policy, 135, 179.

Spanish American colonies, i., 146; motion in favor of, defeated, 150, 165-171; recognized as independent states, 168.

Specie circular, ii., 124.

Spenser, Ambrose, ii., 264.

Spoils politics, i.,332, ff; ii., 183, 184.

Staël, Madame de, i., 124.

Stephens, Alexander H., ii., 269, 296, 322, 341, 374.

Sterret case, i., 259, ff.

Stevens, Thaddeus, i., 343.

Stevenson, Thomas B., ii., 318, 323.

Story, Joseph, i., 256.

Sub-treasury, ii., 136 ff, 264, 283.

Sumner, Charles, ii., 404.

Sumner, Prof. William G., biography of Andrew Jackson, i., 203, 373.

Swartwout, Samuel, i., 254; ii., 183.

Tallmadge, James, moves anti-slavery amendment on Missouri bill, i., 172.

Tallmadge, N. P., ii., 85, 180.

Taney, Roger B., i., 347; Secretary of the Treasury, removes deposits, ii., 28; report, 29, 30; nomination rejected, 43.

Tariff of 1816, i., 129, ff; of 1824, 212, ff; of 1828, 286; of 1832, 357, ff; of 1846, 283.

Taylor, John W., on Missouri bill, i., 179.

Taylor, General Zachary, ii., 274; ordered to advance to the Rio Grande, 277; moves to Rio Grande, 282, 283; defeats Mexicans at Palo Alto and Resaca, 284; takes Monterey, 285; candidate for presidency, 293, ff; candidate against the field, 298; nominated for presidency, 305; opposition to, 308-310; elected President, 313; agent to California, 320, 321; messages on California and New Mexico, 325; character, 326, 327, 346; opposed to compromise, 350, 351; death, 354.

Texas, excluded by Florida treaty, i., 162, 163; annexation scheme, ii., 86, ff; annexation proposed, 235, 238; annexation treaty sent to Senate, 247; annexation treaty defeated, 259; annexed by joint resolution, 271; accepts annexation, 273.

Thomas, Jessie B., offers compromise proposition on Missouri bill, i., 177.

Thompson, George, ii., 380.

Thompson, Richard, ii., 186.

Tilden, Samuel J., ii., 311.

Tucker, George, ii., 85.

Tucker, Henry St. George, i., 142, 145.

Turner, Nat., ii., 73.

Tyler, John, representative from Virginia, i., 256, 279; Senator, opposes force bill, ii., 17; on four years term law, 68; candidate for vice-presidency, 97; resigns from Senate, 99, 173; nominated for vice-presidency, 180; President, 197; record, 198, 199, 200; address to the people, 201; letter to Clay, 202; message, 202; vetoes bank bill, 205, 207, 208; second bank veto, 209, 210, 213, 214, 215; third veto, 225; on annexing Texas, 236; reorganizes Cabinet, 236; pushes annexation,