Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/147

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Founding Williamson School

bench work, steam fitting, steam and electrical engineering, and practical training in how to run steam and electrical engines or plants. The students are encouraged to make original designs in many instances, and to work out their own drawings. Thus the graduate goes forth thoroughly versed in the latest and best methods of his particular trade, as well as trained to manual dexterity through long practice.

Coming at length to the main (or Administration) building, of three stories, built of granite quarried on the grounds, here are found the offices and committee rooms; the dining hall, or "commons," for all the students; the library, with its volumes; a number of class and recitation rooms where the students pursue their regular three-years' course in such studies as arithmetic, algebra and geometry, physical and political geography, English literature, history and civil government, physical science, chemistry, physiology and hygiene, elocution and vocal music, mechanical and free-hand drawing; and on the second floor the large assembly hall, where simple chapel services are held every morn-