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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

sketch of the School, and copies of the plans, the Will and the Deed of Trust, the names and photographs of all the Trustees, and numerous writings and newspapers bearing upon the history of the enterprise. After Mr. Townsend and Mr. Longstreth had placed the stone in position, and the latter had made a few appropriate remarks regarding Isaiah Williamson and his purpose, the masons cemented the stone in place, and the visitors inspected the grounds and such of the buildings as were then in process of erection.

A year later, in October, 1891, the building was completed and ready for occupancy. Long before that time there had been many applications for admission to the School. Of these, seventy-two young men, in ages from fifteen to eighteen, had successfully passed the entrance examinations, had been enrolled, and since September, had been engaged in regular study and work. The other buildings at this time completed, or nearly so, were the engine and boiler house, Shop No. 1, the Superintendent's residence, and three cottages.

The formal opening of the School occurred on the 31st of October. A special train from