Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/171

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Little Man of Large Soul

and the trust company's vaults. He was pictured, also, as the strange being who would go into a restaurant and get a five-cent lunch, or haggle with the woman at the sandwich counter to let him have six ten-cent sandwiches, one a day for a week, for a lump sum of fifty cents; and then would hasten back to his office to sign a check for $5000 or $10,000 for some charity.

In a little cubby-hole of a barber shop on Elbow Lane, it was said, he used to indulge in a weekly shave; but when the barber suggested that he needed a haircut, he replied with infinite gentleness that his niece cut his hair twice a year. For other sample stories, it was related that when he was summering at a hotel in one of the beautiful and fashionable" suburbs of Philadelphia toward the end of his life, he used to bring back his soiled linen wrapped in a newspaper, as he could get his laundry done a few cents cheaper in town than at the hotel. Also, that when he found extortionate bus fare between the hotel and the station added to the first week's bill, which he had paid in advance, he refused to ride in the bus again, and walked back and forth