Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/182

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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

"I found that obedience to the truth given to me answered my desire to be shown the path for my life.

"So did my mother's and father's hands rest upon my head all my long life. My calling was only to do common things, which I tried to do humbly, but in an uncommon way. My work was to me as sacred as it would have been had I been called to teach or work upon canvas or stone.

"When I fully understood the talent I possessed, I regarded it as a crowning of power, not for self, and I consecrated it to Him who gave it to me to uplift the man and boy next to me as far as I could reach.

"In my business life, I never used my sickle to cut down a fellow man. I never lent a hand to help scuttle another's ship.

"I never made haste to be rich.

"I nursed the money-making instinct as God's gift and rooted myself where it grew as the one thing given to me to study and work with, but I lived in another room without idols of any kind.

"To me, great riches meant more hos-