Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/56

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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

cities, it may be attributed perhaps to the general disposition of the inhabitants inclining them to more sober and scientific amusements."

But Isaiah Williamson, on coming to Philadelphia, doubtless found the statistics regarding the city's wealth, commercial enterprises, and business outlook of chief attraction. The city's capital in 1823 was estimated at $158,000,000, invested in Government and bank stocks, and insurance companies; in bridges, canals and roads; in factories, merchandise and shipping; in personal and real estate.

He found an efficient Chamber of Commerce, recommending fixed rates of commission on all forms of domestic and foreign business; and the Custom House in its fine new building on Second Street, below Dock. He found a flourishing export and import trade, the exports amounting annually to about $10,000,000, and the imports to $14,000,000. And he perceived that Philadelphia was even then distinguished as a manufacturing city, its cotton factories being especially notable, using two or three thousand looms and annually