Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/61

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Early Years in Philadelphia

city. Five years later Richards was Mayor, and through life one of Philadelphia's prominent and best men.

These are a few of the young men who were Isaiah's contemporaries and neighbors in businesss when he came to Philadelphia, and all of whom became more or less notable in after years through their industry, fair dealing and indomitable pluck. Contact with them gave him a certain inspiration, as they were all in the same boat with himself, making their fortunes.

In this thriving, bustling city Isaiah Williamson was matching a country boy's experience against city methods. He found that he had much to learn before he could hope to attain a large success. There were many strong men to compete with among Philadelphia's merchants, and there were many long and well-established houses. Their signs were numerous on Front, Water, Dock, Second, Third, and High Streets.

But are not the country boys, ever anew coming into the cities, the salvation of the cities? God did not build cities. He made trees and stored iron and stone and coal and