Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/70

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Life of Isaiah V. Williamson

entered Switzerland at Geneva, first having stopped at Chamonix. A steamer took him along Lac Léman to Vevey. He circled around to Basel, via Freiburg. There he started the journey down the Rhine, with a side trip to Frankfort. He stopped at Mainz, Coblentz, Cologne and Dusseldorf. He left the Rhine at Gorcum to go to Amsterdam by coach, passing through Utrecht. In Holland he saw also Haarlem, Leyden, the Hague, and Rotterdam; and in Belgium, Antwerp, Brussels, and Liége.

Then began at Aix La Chapelle the journey across Europe that few in those days had the time, money, energy, and will to make. The itinerary was: Bremen, Hamburg, Leipzig, Dresden, Magdeburg, to Hamburg again by steamer, to Lubeck by diligence, and by water to Travemunde, where he boarded the Baltic Sea steamer for the four-day trip to St. Petersburg. After ten days in the capital of Russia, he was not dismayed to travel by diligence to Moscow and back. Leaving Russia by the Baltic Sea route to Hamburg, he crossed the North Sea back to London.

What he had seen of Continental culture