Page:Life of Isaiah V Williamson.djvu/93

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Philanthropy His Real Business

generously, of his own initiative, it would at least be to his credit that there was something in his heart which could respond to definite appeals, or that he could succeed in overcoming a natural ungenerosity. But the reverse is true. In numerous instances, his gifts were not only voluntary, but absolutely secret—as, for example, in the many gifts which he made to various charities under the pseudonym of "Hez," which no one knew stood for him till after his death.

That certain great-souled people, of whom he sought counsel, did exert a positive influence over him in this direction at various times, and that he appreciated their spirit and rose to the occasion, is manifest. The charities of Peter Williamson and his daughter, Mary, made such an impression on him that in his will of 1874, it was directed that $10,000 should be left to Mary to assist her in carrying on her charitable work. The same amount was entered for Mrs. J. Bellangee Coxe, for the same purpose; and it is well known that as Miss McHenry was greatly admired by him for her unselfish character, fine executive ability and energy, in founding and carrying