Page:Life of John Boyle O'Reilly.djvu/69

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Witness. About the Fenians.

President. You said that a civilian asked you to go down to the yard at Hoey's house; did he assign any reason?

Witness. He asked me to go with him; and said that he belonged to the Fenians, and wished me to join them.

President. Did you notice at any time that the prisoner had more money than you would expect a soldier to have?

Witness. No.

President. Did you take the Fenian oath?

Witness. I did not; I never was asked to take an oath or join the Fenians in the prisoner's hearing.

Prosecutor. Was it after your interview with the prisoner on the lobby at Hoey's that you were asked to take the oath? Witness. It was.

Colonel Baker, Tenth Hussars, being sworn, testified: I know the prisoner. He never gave me any information of an intended mutiny in her Majesty's force in Ireland.

Prisoner. Did any private of the Tenth communicate with you in reference to an intended mutiny, before the first of March?

Col. Baker. No.

Prisoner. What character do I bear in the regiment?

Witness. A good character.

Colonel Cass, sworn and examined. I never received information from the prisoner with reference to an intended mutiny. I believe his character is good.

Head Constable Talbot, the notorious informer, was the next witness. He was not called upon to furnish evidence of the prisoner's direct complicity in the conspiracy, but only of the fact that a conspiracy existed. He had testified on the trial of Color-Sergeant McCarthy, that the latter had agreed to furnish the Fenians with countersigns, barrack and magazine keys, maps and plans of the Clonmel Barracks, and other aid necessary for the surprise of the garrison.

He also testified that not a single regiment in the service was free from the same taint of rebellion, and that part of the conspirators' scheme was the enlistment of revolutionary agents in the various branches of the British service. O'Reilly was such an agent.

His testimony was brief. In reply to a question by the prisoner, he said: