Page:Life of Octavia Hill as told in her letters.djvu/231

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Offley Cottage, Luton,

Christmas, 1863.

To Miranda.

Last night Mr. Hughes read some splendid Christmas thoughts about "Vie de Jesus" of Mr. Maurice's from "Macmillan." It was glorious. Mr. Hughes is cordiality and politeness itself, and does so like to talk about Co-operation. He speaks of Mr. Neale, but has not seen him lately.

December 31st, 1863.

I am very happy here, getting on capitally, especially with Mrs. Hughes, whom I like extremely. Mr. Hughes and I have very nice talks ; and he is so entirely kind and considerate. The children are most delighted with the history poems.[1] Will you tell Mama I kept the "Education" because Mrs. Hughes was so interested in it ; and I have read a bit to her each night after dinner, before Mr. Hughes joined us.

14, Nottingham Place,

February 18th, 1864.

To Miss Davies.

Re a petition to ask for the extension of University Exams, to


I am really ashamed to have troubled you to write twice about the signatures, which we are heartily glad to forward.

I meant to write and ask whether signatures of private governesses in private families were needed. I gather from your last note that they are. I will obtain any that I can on the other paper, and forward

  1. Written by Miranda for her little pupils.