Page:Life of Thomas Hardy - Brennecke.pdf/61

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Origins (1360-1772)

traordinary memory many of the impressions she gave him. Many years later he was able to recall them distinctly. In 1902, for instance, he wrote the stanzas One We Knew, in which they came freshly to the fore:

(M. H. 1772-1857)

She told how they used to form for the country dances—
  "The Triumph," "The New-Rigged Ship"—
To the light of the guttering wax in the panelled manses,
  And in cots to the blink of a dip.

She spoke of the wild "pousetting" and "allemanding"
  On carpet, on oak, and on sod;
And the two long rows of ladies and gentlemen standing,
  And the figures the couples trod.

She showed us the spot where the maypole was yearly planted,
  And where the bandsmen stood,
While breeched and kerchiefed partners whirled, and panted
  To choose each other for good.

She told of that far-back day when they learnt, astounded,
  Of the death of the King of France;
Of the Terror; and then of Bonaparte's unbounded
  Ambition and arrogance.

Of how his threats woke warlike preparations
  Along the southern strand,
And how each night brought tremors and trepidations
  Lest morning should see him land.

She said she had often heard the gibbet creaking
  As it swayed in the lightning flash,
Had caught from the neighboring town a small child's shrieking
  At the cart-tail under the lash . . .
