Page:Life with the Esquimaux - 1864 - Volume 1.djvu/252

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guided them; and, consequently, in a short time starvation again stared the whole village in the face.

Ebierbing, however, was a most persevering and indefatigable sealer. During that season he caught more seals than any other man; and on one occasion, by the aid of my rifle, which I had loaned to him, he succeeded in bringing back four seals, after having taken six, but two were lost. This was on an excursion he took by way of Clark's Harbour to Allen's Island. Ugarng had gone with him, and built an igloo near a narrow channel kept open by swift tides, discovered at that place. The angeko, staying at Clark's Harbour, would not stir from there, having found a deposit, formerly made by us in the ship, of whale krang, and upon this he and his two wives were living—that is, so far as he allowed the poor women to share with him. When, however, Ebierbing was returning with his great prize, this lazy, worthless angeko must needs join him to share in the feast which followed. I need hardly say that my own feelings toward the man were not of the most peaceable; but I was alone, and even my two Innuit friends yielded to the sway of their angeko; hence I was powerless to avert aught such a man might instantly command to be done, had I offended him.

When Ebierbing returned with the four seals he merely stayed long enough for the feast, and was off again, with the understanding to look out for me, as I purposed following him. This I did on the 16th day of February, being the thirty-eighth of my departure from the ship, and of my living thus wholly among the Innuits. The Innuit Jack was my companion, and we arrived at Kowtukjua (Clark's Harbour) about 3 p.m.

This place was where we had anchored in the ship during the previous fall, and where I nearly lost my life by the accidental pistol-shot on the 13th of August. I examined the locality, and then, at 4 p.m. started for Allen's Island.

We arrived at Ugarng's igloo about 7 p.m. and were welcomed by Kunniu, Ugarng himself being out sealing. Here I stayed until the 18th, aiding them as far as I could,