Page:Life with the Esquimaux - 1864 - Volume 1.djvu/296

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it now all to themselves, Jupiter bearing the palm, as he outshines them all.

"April 15th.—Have had a long tramp to-day round the head of Field Bay, triangulating and making observations. Koojesse accompanied me for awhile, but the charms of sealing soon took him away, and some time afterward, when I was on a mountain peak, I saw him at a distance, by the aid of my glass, most unmercifully punishing his dog, probably because the poor animal could not find a seal igloo. The Innuits, when they do punish dogs, beat them cruelly.

"April 17th.—Yesterday I took my first lunar observation. I did it alone, expecting only to obtain an approximation to the true longitude of this place. To-day I have taken another, with assistants to measure altitudes at the same time.

"I have had equally unexpected success in making some of my own instruments. Being without a protractor, I made one, the other day, from a piece of copper which had formed a portion of the Rescue's sheathing; and this served a double purpose, being useful in my chart-work, and also remaining as a relic of the once memorable expedition schooner. Another instrument I had also to make, and succeeded in making, though it occupied much time, namely, an artificial horizon. I constructed it with various contrivances of my own, and now I have both these instruments by me as pleasing mementoes of my sojourn in these dreary regions, where no stores exist to supply me with articles so indispensable.

April 19th.—To-day I was not a little amused to see the rig in which the laughing Innuit Sharkey appeared. A present was made him of a new wool shirt, edged all round, except the flaps, with scarlet—bright flaming red. He proudly strutted around among us white folk with this on the outside of all his other clothes, wearing it like a frock!

"April 20th.—To-day the snow embankment around the ship has been taken away, and the crew are busy putting the vessel in complete order for service. Paint and varnish are now freely used in the process of renovation.

April 21st.—I am preparing to go over to-morrow to the