Page:Life with the Esquimaux - 1864 - Volume 1.djvu/98

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to visit, and from whence a government vessel was to sail for Copenhagen in September. I was then invited down into the room where I had spent many pleasant hours with Governor Elberg. There I found awaiting the three parting glasses—one for me, one for the governor, and one for the lieutenan-tgovernor. Each had some good saying to utter. Blessings must and will follow to us all if kindly prayers can avail. With all my heart I thanked the governor for his great and increasing kindness to me while within his harbour; ay, more, I thanked him for his hospitality, which was overwhelming.

"My time was short. The lieutenant-governor took me to his domicile. Then I hastened to the priest's, to bid Mrs. Kjer and Miss Bülou farewell. I then found the governor had ordered his boat to take me on board, he and the lieutenant-governor intending to accompany me. The ladies walked down to the landing with us, where I expressed a hope to have the pleasure of again seeing them after three or four years' time in the United States. I especially promised that the lady who sometimes here is 'blue with cold' should never be so while there. A warm—a last shake of the hand, and I bid them an affectionate adieu. I was then carried away, amid the sorrowing hearts of many. * * *

"On the 7th day of this month I rejoiced when I first put my foot where I was now bidding farewell in tears. Then I rejoiced that God had brought me in safety, that I might put my foot upon arctic ground. Not a soul did I know in the whole North. In seventeen days I was acquainted with all Holsteinborg. I now leave it with regret. I sorrow at parting from so noble a people! * * * *

"Kyacks in large numbers danced around us as we made our way to the ship. I remarked to the governor that with all the progress in ship and boat building of civilization, we had nothing in way of rowing with which we could equal the speed of a kyack. This is so. One Esquimaux with his kyack can outstrip any man or men among our people—or any other of the enlightened world—in rowing our boats.