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pity direct my soul and draw it from the snares of the enemy."

At this moment Catherine who had entered into ecstacy, as was usual, returned to herself and gave thanks to God: "Dear Brother," said she, "the mercy of God has at length manifested to you your danger, I spoke to you and you refused to listen; then I turned to God who has not despised my petition." Nanni confessed to me without delay and with humble contrition; Catherine reconciled him with all his enemies, while I restored him to peace with God whom he had so long offended.

A few days after his conversion, Nanni was arrested by the Governor of the city and thrown in a close prison; a report was current that he was to suffer decapitation; this news afflicted me, and I went to find Catherine. "Nothing unfortunate," said I, "occurred to Nanni when he obeyed Satan, and now that he has given himself to God, heaven and earth appear to declare against him. I fear, Mother, that this plant is yet too young for supporting such a storm; the poor man may fall into despair, I entreat you, pray for him; you have delivered him from sin, now you must sustain him in his misfortunes." Catherine answered me; " Why are you alarmed on his account ? you should rather rejoice. Do you not see the evidence that God has pardoned him the debt of eternal punishment, because he sends him temporal troubles. Our Lord's word is accomplished, the world loves what belongs to it; but now that he has quitted the world, the world detests him. God was preparing endless chastisement for him, but his mercy is satisfied with punishing him in this world. Fear not that he will fall into despair. He who saved him from hell, will also draw him from this danger. "