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on the corporal, beside the chalice at the side on which it seemed to me the particle fell: but I found nothing. Extremely troubled at the circumstance, I continued the ceremonies of the Mass, and after having finished the Communion, I renewed my search by examining the corporal in every way; but neither sight nor touch could discover anything. I was so much afflicted that I wept; I determined to conclude the Mass on account of the persons present and afterwards carefully visit the Altar. In effect when all had withdrawn, I examined minutely not alone the corporal, but every portion of the Altar — I could discover nothing. As I stood before a large picture, I could not believe that the particle had fallen behind the Altar, although I perceived it taking that direction when it escaped from my hands. For greater certainty, I searched on the two sides and even looked on the floor; but always with the same result. Then I thought of going to take counsel from the Convent Prior. I carefully covered the Altar, and recommended the Sacristan not to allow any one to approach until my return. I retired to the Sacristy; but scarcely had I laid aside my vestments, than Father Christopher, Prior of the Carthusians, arrived. I knew him well, and felt a deep affection for him; his object in visiting me was to obtain, through my influence, an interview with Catherine. I asked him to please to wait a short time, because I was obliged to go and speak with the Prior; but he replied: " This is a day of solemn fasting, and I must absolutely return immediately to the Monastery; you know that it is very remote from the city — in the name of God do not keep me waiting, for in conscience I am obliged to speak with Catherine." I bade the Sacristan remain and guard the Altar, until my return, and I went with the Religious