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ancient cities and kingdoms.

The most important events of his life are so intimately connected with the life of Jacob, that they Mill be considered under that article. His family settled on mount Seir, east of Jordan, which was hence called Edom, and his descendants were the Edomites, one of the most powerful and formidable nations of that age.

Edomites. Descendants of Edom. who was called Esau, because he was hairy, and his complexion red. He was born A.M. 2173, and sold his birthright for a mess of red pottage.

Joktheel. (2 Kings xiv. 7 ) The name given by Amaziah to Selah, or the modern Petra. It was the capital of Idumea, and one of the most magnificent of the ancient cities. It was situated near the base of mount Hor, about three day's journey from Jericho, and the same distance from mount Sinai; and must be regarded as the most singular spot in all Arabia, perhaps in the whole eastern world.

The Red Sea is that arm of the Indian Ocean which runs along the southwest side of Arabia, and the east of Ethiopia and Egypt, to the length of 1200 miles, now called the Arabian Gulf. As the Edomites had long the property and use of it for their shipping, it came to be called the Sea of Edom, which the Greeks translated into the Red Sea— Edom signifying red. Hence, originated the mistake, that its water, or its bottom, was reddish.


Amalek. (Gen. xxxvi. 16.) He was the son of Eliphaz, and grandson of Esau. Some have supposed him to be the father of the Amalekites, but they are mentioned as a powerful people, long before the birth of Amalek. (Gen. xiv. 7.) The Arabians have a tradition that he was the son of Ham.

Amalekites. (1 Sam. xv. 6.) A powerful people, dwelling between the Red and Dead Seas. This nation inhabited the southern part of Canaan, and is called (Num. xxiv. 20) the first of all the nations. About A.M. 2091, Chedorlaomer ravaged their country, at which