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light and truth.

him into the Garden of Eden, to dress it and to keep it."—(Gen. ii. 15.) The location of this garden was eastward from Canaan, and north from the river Gihon, the land of Ethiopia.—(Gen. ii. 13.) The soil of Eden was very rich, and black; it produced the richest fruit and trees of all the earth.


The transgression of Adam and Eve, commonly called the fall of man, took place, probably, soon after the creation, and has been most awful in its consequences. For their transgression, Adam and his companion were driven out of the garden, to till the ground of Ethiopia, it needing cultivation in consequence of the curse.—(Gen. iii. 17.) Adam and his posterity settled on the river Gihon, that went out of the Garden of Eden, and compassed the whole land (or country) of Ethiopia; and they tilled the ground, from which Adam was taken.—(Gen. ii. 13: iii. 23.)

The word Adam is derived as follows: Adam, Adamah, Adami, Admah—which means earthy. The earth is a rich, dark substance, and from it our first parents were taken. Now if we admit that Dr Brown's and other Bible Dictionaries are correct in their explanations of the meaning of terms, then the deduction must be that Ethiopia (Gen. ii. 13,) was black, and the first people were Ethiopians, or blacks.


Cain and Abel were the first offspring of Adam and Eve. Cain was a tiller of the ground; Abel a keeper of sheep. In process of time, it came to pass that Cain brought, of the fruit of the ground, an offering unto the Lord; and Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering; but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. Hence arose, on the part of Cain, a disaffection towards his brother, which resulted in the death of Abel, about thirty years after the