Page:Light and truth.djvu/136

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light and truth.

Long after his reign, Joseph was brought as a slave into Egypt and sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.

13. Rameses Miamun—according to Archbishop Usher, was the name of the king who is called Pharaoh in Scripture. He reigned over Egypt sixty-six years; and oppressed the Israelites most greviously They built for him treasure cities, to receive the abundant products of that fertile land. Rameses Miamun Pharaoh left two sons, Amenophis and Busiris.

14. Amenophis was the Pharaoh in whose reign the Israelites departed out of Egypt; and who was drowned in the Red Sea. Archbishop Usher says that Amenophis left two sons—one named Sesostris, and the other Armais. The Greeks called him Belus, and his two sons, Egyptus, and Danaus.

15. Sesostris or Sesosthis Pharaoh was not only one of the most powerful kings of Egypt, but one of the greatest conquerors antiquity could boast of.

16. Pheron the son of Sesostris Pharaoh, succeeded his father in his kingdom, but not in his glory. He reigned fifty years king of Egypt.

17. Proteus was another king of Egypt. According to Herodotus, he must have immediately succeeded the first—since he lived at the time of the siege of Troy, which according to Usher was taken anno mundi 2820.

18. Rhampsinitus was another king of Egypt; and richer than any of his predecessors. He built a treasury.

19. Cheops brother to Cephrenus, reigned fifty years king of Egypt.

20. Cephrenus reigned after his brother fifty-six years. These two kings kept the temples shut during the whole time of their long reigns. They oppressed their subjects.

21. Mycerinus the son of Cheops, reigned but seven years. He opened the temples; restored the sacrifices; and did all in his power to comfort his subjects, and make them forget their past miseries.

22. Asychis, another Egyptian king, was a legislator. But he valued himself for having surpassed all his predecessors in constructing a pyramid of brick more magnificent than any other.

23. Alexander reigned twelve years monarch of Egypt.