Page:Light and truth.djvu/172

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of her husband, the king. She swayed the sceptre with great dignity during the minority of her son.

A. D. .322. Dounouds, or Phineas the son of Dowager, a Jew, the king of Abyssinia, threw Christians into pits of fire who were unwilling to become Jews.

A. D. 523. Elesboan or Caleb, a Christian who became king of Abyssinia, subdued the Jews and slew Dounouds their king. [The above is from Joseph Milner and Bruce.]


The following is a table of the kings of the Hebrews, both before and after their division into the governments of Judah and Israel.

Saul reigned 40 years. Solomon reigned 40 years. David " 40 " Rehoboam " 1 "

Saul, (1 Sam. ix. 2,) the first king of Israel, was the son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin. His personal appearance was so remarkably fine and noble, as to be particularly mentioned by the sacred historian.

David, the most eminent king of Israel, and one of the most distinguished persons mentioned in the Old Testament, both for his piety, talents, dignity and success. He wrote nearly all the Psalms. Christ, being a lineal descendant, is called "the Son of David." When it is said of him, while yet a youth among the folds, that he was a man "after God's own heart," it means that God chose him to be king over Israel, and would qualify him for that purpose. Under David, the army of 288,000 men was divided into twelve corps, each of which was consequently 24,000 strong, and had its own general. (1 Chron. xxvii.) Under Jehoshaphat this was altered, and there were five unequal corps, under as many commanders. (2 Chron. xvii 14—19.)

Solomon, (2 Sam. v. 14,) king of Israel, was the son and successor of David. His character, and the general condition of the country during his reign, were