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time the governor of Damascus attempted to apprehend Paul, Ats ix. 24, 25.

Benhadad, king of Syria, who besieged Samaria. (1 Kings xx.)

Hazael was anointed king of Syria by Elijah, the prophet of God. (1 Kings xix. 15. 2 Kings viii.

Resin, king of Syria. (Isa vii. 5, 1.


Antigonus, governor of Syria, who treated the Jews with great severity.

Cyrenius, governor of Syria. He first made it a law that all the people in his provinces should be taxed.

Cæsar Augustus, governor of Syria, sent out a decree and taxed all the people.


Romulus, the first king of Rome began to reign 745 years B. C, and reigned more than thirty years.

Numa Pompilius was elected the second king 714 years before Christ: he reigned forty-three years. Numa was of the Sabine nation. This nation was the most formidable enemy of the early Romans; but by a wise policy were conciliated; and became united with the Romans. Numa's disposition was pious and pacific; and he endeavored to impart the same character to his people. [The Sabeans or Sabines were the descendants of Cush, an Ethiopian.]

Tullus Hostilius, the third king, ascended the throne in 670 B. C.—he reigned thirty years.

Ancus Marcius, grandson of Numa, was elected the fourth king of Rome, in 637 B. C. He inherited the piety and virtue of his ancestor, and reigned gloriously twenty-four years.

Tarquinius Priscus, son of a former citizen of Corinth, popular from his wealth and liberality, was elected the fifth king, 614 B. C. He enlarged the senate, and reigned 38 years.