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A. D. 361.Julian, Emperor of Rome.

A. D. 375.Valens was Roman Emperor.

A. D. 381.Theodosius, the Great, was Emperor of the East.

Fifth Century.

A. D. 408.Theodosius 2d, Emperor of the East.


ABOUT 1400 B. C—456 YEARS.

Judges. Officers of law and justice. The Jews had three courts. A court of three or seven petty judges, who decided small cases. Othniel judged Israel forty years. Oppression of Moab, eighteen years. Ehud, eighty years.

Oppression of Philistia, one year. Shamgar, one year.

Oppression of Canaan, twenty years. Deborah and Barak, forty years.

Oppression of Midian, seven years. Gideon, forty years. Abimelech, three years. Tola, twenty-three years. Jair, twenty-two years.

Oppression of Amnion, eighteen years. Jephthah, six years. Ibzan, seven years. Elon, ten years. Abdon, eight years.

Oppression of Philistia, Samson last ten, forty years. Eli, forty years.

Oppression of Philistia, twenty years. Samuel, twelve years.

Judges. (Acts xiii. 29.) This was the title of a class of magistrates among the Israelites. They were appointed originally by Moses, at the suggestion of Jethro, an Ethiopian, prince of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, (Exodus xviii. 1,) to relieve him of a part of the duties of the chief magistracy. At an early period after they left Egypt, a rank of judges was established, the lowest of which were