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light and truth.

14.) Cushi, the son of Jedediah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah.—Zephaniah i. 1.) The tents of Cushen.—(Habakkuk iii. 7.)

And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathran, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar (or Chaldea,) and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. Then shall the Ethiopians, the despised, oppressed and outcast of Israel, be gathered together as one, from the four quarters of the earth, unto God.—(Is. xi. 11, 12.)

These were the descendants of Ham, who were denominated blacks by the Grecian historian. Their hair was frizzly or curly.—(Herodotus, Stc. &.c.)

The Phoenicians—the Canaanites of sacred history—were among the most early civilized nations of the earth. We, the Christian and civilized people of the present day, are indebted to them for our knowledge of navigation. The fragments of Sanchoniatho are the most ancient monuments of writing, after the books of Moses. Greece was indebted to the Phoenicians and Egyptians for the first principles of civilization—the founders of that kingdom being the ancient Phoenicians.


Japhet had seven sons. Their settlements began at the mountains of Taurus and Amanus; they extended them in Asia as far as the river Tanais, and in Europe to Cadiz. Settling themselves upon the land which was previously unoccupied, they founded nations called by their own names; for Gomer founded those whom the Greeks now call Galatians, (Gauls,) but were then called Gomerites.

Magog founded those, that from him, were called Magogites—but by the Greeks, Scythians.

Madai founded the Medeans, who are called Medes by the Greeks, and from Javari, Jouia.

Thobel founded the Thobelites, who are now called Iberas.