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shoulder to shoulder with them. In your late war they contributed largely towards your most splendid victories. On Lakes Erie and Champlain, where your fleets triumphed over a foe superior in numbers, and engines of death, they were manned in a large proportion with men of color. And in this very house, in the fall of 1814, a bill passed, receiving the approbation of all the branches of your government, authorizing the Governor to accept the service of two thousand free people of color."

On the 20th of March, 1779, it was recommended by Congress to the States of Georgia and South Carolina, to raise 3,000 colored troops who were to be rewarded for their services by their freedom. The delegations from those states informed Congress that such a body of troops would be not only formidable to the enemy," but would lessen the danger of "revolts and desertions" among the slaves themselves. (See Secret Journal of the Old Congress, Vol. 1, pp. 105—107.)

[And are we to be thus looked to for help in the "hour of danger," but trampled under foot in the hour of peace?

"No more will we fight against our friends for this oppressed land."]


During the last war, the slaves and free colored people were called to the defence of the country by General Jackson, and received the following testimony to the value of their services, in which, let it be remarked, they were addressed as fellow citizens with the whites:

"Through a mistaken policy you have heretofore been deprived of a participation in the glorious struggle for national rights, in which our country is engaged. This no longer shall exist.

As sons of Freedom, you are now called upon to defend our most inestimable blessing. As Americans, your country looks with confidence to her adopted children, for a valorous support, as a faithful return for the advantages enjoyed under her mild and equitable government. As fathers, husbands, and brothers, you are