Page:Lily Gair Wilkinson - Revolutionary Socialism and the Woman's Movement.djvu/33

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NO COMPROMISE, NO POLITICAL TRADING. By Wilhelm Liebknecht. Price, Fourpence Postage, ½d.

A most important work for the Socialist Movement It shows the necessity for keeping clear of all entangling alliances with capitalist parties

AS TO POLITICS. A Discussion upon the Relative Importance of Political Action and of Class-Conscious Economic Action and the Urgent Necessity of Both. Price, One Shilling. Postage, 1d.

It contains the information whereby to arrive at the correct tactics wherewith to reach the goal of the Socialist Commonwealth.

THE FIRST NINE CHAPTERS OF "DAS CAPITAL." By Karl Marx. Paper, 1s. Cloth, 1s. 9d. Postage, 3d.

THE EIGHTEENTH BRUMAIRE OF LOUIS BONPARTE. By Karl Marx. Translated from the German by Daniel De Leon, Price, 1s. 2d. Postage, 1½d.

"The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte" is one of Karl Marx's most profound and most brilliant monographs. It may be considered the best work extant on the philosophy of history, with an eye especially upon the history of the movement of the proletariat, together with the bourgeois and other manifestations that accompany the same, and the tactics that such conditions dictate.

REVOLUTION AND COUNTER-REVOLUTION. By Karl Marx. Price 1s. 6d. Postage, 3d.

A series of Letters written to the "New York Tribune" from London by Karl Marx in 1851–52 treating of the German Revolution of 1848. The letters were written while Marx was in exile, and they give a history of the events which succeeded the Revolution of 1848 and which resulted in the failure of the insurrection through the counter-revolution which followed.

THE WORLD'S REVOLUTIONS. By Ernest Untermann. Price 1s. 6d. Postage, 3d.

Contents:—The Individual and the Universe; Primitive Revolutions; The Roman Empire and its Proletariat; The Christian Proletariat and its Mission; Feudal Ecclesiasticism and its Disintegration; The American Revolution and its Reflex in France; Bourgeois Revolutions in Europe; The Proletarian World Movement.