Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/273

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had been poured into this copiously drugged interior. As a result of drugs and of disease, the boy could neither lie down nor sit up, and his position was a painful compromise.

Death seemed imminent, but food was at once withheld, every trace of drugs was removed, and a slight massage treatment was administered in order to equalize the circulation as much as was possible in the circumstances. At the end of a half hour a warm water enema brought away a large quantity of fecal matter from the colon, and, after this local treatment pulse and temperature showed decided downward tendencies, while the patient was resting more quietly and easily than he had in a week.

In acute cases, such as this, drastic measures are imperative, and on the second day vigorous application of massage and enema once more brought temperature and pulse to lower register; consciousness returned; the swelling in the arm was reduced; and the pain had abated. In one week's time the young man was able to lie at full length in bed, and the swelling, except in the ankles, was scarcely perceptible. Natural sleep had returned ere this, and temperature and pulse