Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/305

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was resumed. The fast was introduced and broken upon strained vegetable broths, and solid food was eaten twelve days from the date of its completion. At term the patient was delivered of a babe weighing seven pounds, as physically perfect and as healthy as that described in the previous case. The loss of weight in this fast was an even thirty pounds.

It is to be remarked that the children of these two mothers are not only physically excellent examples, but are also mentally intelligent to a marked degree. These gratifying characteristics are to be attributed to the purification in body undergone by the pregnant women at a stage early enough to provide for cell structure in the forming child unvitiated by disease in the system of the mother.

The statement of the following case is in the language of the father of the patient :

"During several weeks prior to his sixth birthday, our oldest boy had complained of sore throat and general lassitude. This finally developed into an acute tonsilitis. On the third or fourth day he complained of pain in both knees, and by evening these joints were swollen and red, and the pain had be-