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when, after exchanging shots, Lord Lundy fell severely wounded.

Charlie was greatly distressed at such an occurrence, and was on the point of giving himself up, when his friend the Lieutenant forced him to leave the place, and impressed upon him the necessity of at once leaving the kingdom.

Having arranged everything for his departure the previous day, and the vessel having cleared the customs in Mr. Stevenson's name, he embarked at once as that gentleman, in order to avoid the punishment of the law. On joining the vessel, without even bidding adieu to Bella, he wrote a long letter to her, giving her a full account of all that had occurred, which would fully account for his abrupt departure, asking her to overlook his transgression should Lord Lundy not survive, and he hoped they would yet meet under better auspices. This letter he sent by Donald, with strict directions to hand it to no one but Bella, and to wait for an answer.

He was not to approach Mr. McKay's until night, lest that should give any clue as to Charlie's whereabouts, and afterwards meet the ship's boat at a given spot and be taken on board.

Donald had followed the first part of these instructions to the letter, and enjoyed a long interview with Mary Grant, who endeavoured to dissuade him from going and remain with her, remarking with tears, that the first part of Ni Ruari's prophecy was already coming true.

Donald at last tore himself from her, and imprinting the last kiss, he left her; but as he was going through the back premises he was rushed upon and seized. The most powerful of his assailants struggled with him, when they both fell and continued their struggle while on the ground. Donald managed to get his antagonist under him, when he heard the well-known voice of John Brown calling out, "Shoot the villain before he gets off." The active Highlander, upon hearing this, rolled over, bringing his antagonist uppermost, just in time to receive the bullet (which was intended for himself) through the back, killing him on the spot.

A crowd had now gathered round the spot, when