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which promised great advantages to her father and the whole tribe. In reply to Charlie's questions, and having listened attentively to all his remarks, Pamul hung down her head for a while, when Charlie observed large tears coursing down her cheeks; then, as if determined to check them, she wiped them away with her hand, raised her eyes to his, and said:—

"Do the white women always marry those whom their parents recommend?"

"In some cases they do, and they frequently turn out good matches," replied Charlie.

"And would you now, marry a woman you did not like?" she inquired.

"Certainly not," replied her companion unhesitatingly.

"Oh! then, you consider females an inferior sex, and are to obey you like slaves," she continued.

Charlie, who was not prepared for this, turned his eyes towards the sea, which would now have been rolling over his remains were it not for a female, and that his questioner. A gush of heartfelt thankfulness and generous acknowledgement took possession of him, and seizing her hand with enthusiasm, he said:—

"My brave and noble Pamul, far be it from me to hold your sex in such estimation; were it not for you, yonder billows would now have been rolling over me; such kindness and devotion I could hardly have expected from my own countryman, much less a female—save one."

"Ah! there is one then," cried Pamul, eagerly catching the last words, which were not intended for her ear, and which was uttered in a lower key.

"Yes, there is one," resumed Charlie with more than usual agitation; "but, although that one might have the wish, I doubt whether she would be able to accomplish such a feat, not being a swimmer like you Pamul."

"And she must indeed be faithful to you," replied Pamul, with an anxious and inquisitive expression; "is she a mother or a sister?"

"Neither," replied Charlie; "but far dearer, and we are under a solemn vow to be faithful to each other while we live."

Pamul heaved a deep sigh, turned her face towards