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As some of my readers may be ignorant of the meaning of the Cu Glas, Mheobail or Meoble's grey dog, I would just say that an ancient impression existed among the Highlanders that a sort of follower, or tuhich, was connected with every old family, which, on certain special occasions, made itself visible—such as before a death, or any important event taking place, or occurring to a member or descendant of the family. Each family had its own tuhich, in the shape of an animal; hence the Meoble had its Cu Glas, or large grey staghound.

Although Charlie did make light of Donald's Cu Glas at the time, he had in a few days, proofs of its existence.

A party of settlers had formed themselves for the purpose of driving from the neighbourhood a tribe of troublesome natives, who were slaughtering the cattle, and harassing the shepherds. After scouring the surrounding woods without falling in with the Warrigals, they, on their return came upon a herd of kangaroos, among which was a white one—a great rarity in the colony—after which the whole party with their dogs gave chase.

The animal flew at a tremendous speed towards a steep-banked creek that intersected the plains, near which stood a clump of scrub; but, on his approaching it, a large grey staghound sprung out, causing the kangaroo to face the creek, which he cleared at a bound. The strange dog followed his example, and, in a short time overtook his prey, which was despatched on the spot; the dog then trotted off towards the forest on the opposite side of the plains.

The astonished equestrians and their outmatched dogs, on coming to the creek, were obliged to pull up, not being able to clear it.

Charlie Stuart, who was among the leading horsemen, gazed with astonishment at the dog, which none of the party knew, when Donald drew up to his master's side, and whispered in his car, "I suppose you will believe your own eyes, and me now." Charlie turned sharply round, and replied, "If Bran exists, that is him."

"No! no!" added Donald, dubiously, "the Cu glas, and no other."