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stared wildly. Nay! It was no vision! There sat before him the never-to-be-forgotten beautiful form and face of his long lost Bella McKay!

His late hopes and presentiments were indeed true; it was her well-known voice that he heard above the sound of the bagpipes, while on the pleasure-trip among the lakes. She was the Lindigo that little Takawarrant called on, the day he was captured, and afterwards recognised her by her portrait! What was he now to do? Would he at once go forth and claim her, thereby risking her's, as well as his own, life?

While thus debating in his mind, he heard the snuffing of a dog round the tree, and on coming to the crack, beheld another old and faithful friend, his stag hound Bran. This was Donald's Cu Glas! But how came he here, or was all a dream? His old familiar Bran bochd escaped unconsciously from him. A fatal recognition, which threatened destruction to all! for, on hearing the well-known voice and words, the hound flew at the thin partition which separated them, with such manifestations of joy, that his whining and tearing attracted the attention of some of the savages.

Charlie now saw one powerful fellow approaching his refuge apparently with the intention of ascertaining what game was hidden there, and which the dog was so anxious to unearth; for, on coming up, he walked leisurely round the stump, repeatedly tapping it with a stone tomahawk.

At this moment a long and shrill whistle sounded through the valley, which, with its peculiar note, arrested the attention of the savage, and he stood listening as if expecting its repetition.

Charlie was looking through the crack at this time watching the females at the fire, when he observed Maria, who had heard the whistle, start unconsciously, but, as if checking herself, she stared cautiously around her, then whispered in her companion's car, but instantly placed her hand on her arm, as if commanding silence.

The savage, whose curiosity was attracted by the restlessness of the dog, walked towards the fire where the