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camp insensible. When Bran saw her in Bungilina's arms he sprang upon him, and would have torn him to pieces, had not the chief instantly laid her down.

The weakened state of Lindigo, and the tears she shed at her disappointment in not being seen and liberated by Charlie and his companions, moved the young savage to pity her.

He now told her the purport of the secret which had been kept from her; how it was that the hunting party had so suddenly met with the loss of their leader.

This was that they discovered a number of white men, with many strange animals and other things belonging to them, had taken possession of their hunting grounds; that when they attempted to drive them away, and surrounded them in their building, fire and thunder was sent upon them, which killed their leader at once. Hence their precipitate retreat to the island, lest they should all share the same fate if Lindigo was found in their possession. He also told her that strict commands on pain of death were given by Bungilina, that who was to be kept ignorant of the discovery lest she might make her escape.

Lindigo finding Matoka so communicative, and softened to such a degree towards her, thought this a favourable opportunity to gain his pity and assistance in making her escape from where she might remain a captive all her lifetime, and at the same time so near the only person she loved on earth. She worded her petition in the following manner, according to the custom of the tribe:—

"The brave Matoka knows well that a poor woman who was never used to living in the thick forest, or swim the deep water, or paddle the canoe like his own native women, is unable to make her escape without the help of a warrior! and who could she seek help from in an undertaking which would bring to her the greatest happiness she could desire, but her kind, generous, and brave Matoka; who had always attended to her comforts, and whose quick eye and swift foot hunted down the fastest kangaroo which furnished her with food and covering, whose skillful hand constructed her bowers and adorned