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Charlie, who had recovered at the time, perceived the act, while Bella covered her eyes with her hands in horror; but as Charlie justified the act she became calm.

It was now that she satisfied her lover as to the cause of his escape from a violent death and who had been the agent, when both approached the edge of the cliff in order to ascertain the fate of the chief savage and the faithful hound, when a frightful spectacle presented itself.

The body of Bungilina lay apparently lifeless among the loose rocks, while the poor hound, whose spine had been dislocated, was struggling to raise himself. Their sorrow at the fate of the poor dog made them descend to the spot, hoping still to save him, but, alas, it was in vain, the poor animal whined and licked their hands without being able to rise, which made them shed tears for him. Their lamentations were soon disturbed by the cooey of the approaching savages who were coming to ascertain the fate of their leaders, when the necessity of saving their own lives compelled them to bid the last adieu to the faithful Bran who had sacrificed his life to save theirs. On seeing them depart, he made one more effort to rise, but with a mournful and heart-rending howl, he fell lifeless on the body of Bungilina.

A precipitate move was now made from the scene of such a frightful tragedy, but they were not long gone when the yells and lamentations of the savages over their fallen leaders caught their ears. Quandak halted for a while, and exultingly exclaimed—"Ah, big one frightened Warrigal now. That one too much coward, come up when chief tumble down." This proved correct, for no more annoyance was offered to the party who continued their homeward journey without any molestation on the part of the natives.

The four weeks which Charlie allotted as the time when Donald was to break open the package containing his instructions, were now expired. On the last evening Donald and his wife, with their two little ones, Bella and Charlie, after removing the tea things, sat down with great anxiety to puruse the contents, Donald, with little Charlie on his knee, and Mary with Bella in her lap.