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Quandak, Maria, and Takawarrant, who were anxious to go with him. He then sold Mr. McKay's interest in the business in Sydney (which now belonged to Bella), and after having arranged all his business in Australia, he took passages in the first ship sailing for England, bidding farewell for ever to the sunny shores of the south.

The class of vessels which were now trading between Great Britain and the colonies, were more expeditious and comfortable than those used at the time they came out.

On arriving in London, they took private lodgings, neither Charlie or his wife wishing to mix in society. Bella noticed one morning at breakfast-time, that her husband, on reading that day's Times, became greatly interested in some article which had arrested his attention, but when Bella asked him what it was, he did not give her a direct answer, but told her he would surprise her one day, and having cut something out of the paper, he took up his hat, saying he should not return until evening. Bella contented herself for the present, remarking that whatever secret was kept from her, she knew was perfectly satisfactory, as Charlie appeared in good spirits, although he absented himself for a portion of several days, at the end of which he expressed his intention of visiting Scotland.

After a speedy journey by rail, they arrived in Edinburgh, where they found Advocate Forbes and his family in the enjoyment of good health; the daughters still unmarried, but all of them engaged, and on the eve wedded life, both the eldest to their old lovers, Captain Campbell, and John Lom, now Major Campbell, and Captain McDonnell, who had lately returned from India with honours, having distinguished themselves in the Afghan war. Catherine was engaged to her cousin, George McKay, who was still agent for Lord Lundy on the Lochlinn estate. The last-mentioned, according, to accounts, turned out to be one of the most unprincipled profligates in the United Kingdom, and was fast running through the only property he had left, as his father had disinherited him on account of his fearful character.