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and champing his silver bit, as if asking forgiveness of the beaming countenance which greeted himself and master.

On arriving at the Castle all the guests had already arrived; and Mr. Stuart led his young charge towards the grand entrance, where Lord Lundy, surrounded by his friends, was receiving the company.

Mr McKay being master of the ceremonies, introduced his neighbour in due form; afterwards his daughter who, on perceiving his lordship advancing graciously with an extended hand towards her, suddenly shrunk back, to the amazement of all the spectators, withholding her hand, and casting on him a disdainful look, making a cold bow, and then turned round, leaning on her neighbour's arm.

His lordship bit his lip in disappointed vexation; and, in order to divert the spectators' attention, turned round to Mr. McKay, who had not observed the strange conduct of his daughter, he being engaged with some other object.

"Really, Mr. McKay, you are very absent," exclaimed his lordship, forcing a smile; "you forgot to introduce your son, whom I presume is yonder young gentleman," pointing to Charlie, who had entered, and witnessed the whole.

"I really must beg your lordship's pardon," replied Mr. McKay; "but I am sorry to say that I have not the honor of being this gentleman's father. Allow me to present my neighbour's son, Charles Edward Stuart—a name greatly venerated amongst us Highlanders." On hearing these words his lordship turned deadly pale, and stopped short, Charlie at the same time eying him with a scornful look; and both, bowing stiffly, turned on their heels and mixed with the company.

This strange conduct puzzled the spectators; and some attributed his lordship's visible coolness towards Charlie to his loyalty to the present Sovereign, and hostility to the base Pretender or any one bearing his name.

The gay assembly were now invited to the balcony to witness the games and sports contested on the lawn before the Castle. It would be superfluous to enumerate here each and every feat, with the several prizes; suffice it, that the majority fell to Donald Munro, to the