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Captain and Charlie to spend some pleasant hours in the company of the daughters, and of which they took advantage.

On one of these evenings a servant entered the room where the happy company were conversing, with the intelligence that a French lady, giving the name of Madamoiselle Dupont, wished to have an interview with her. "Ha!" exclaimed the Captain, "that is in answer to my advertisement; for mercy's sake, Miss Forbes, admit Parlez-vous." This was the sum total of his knowledge of French, and never having been in the company of the ladies of the neighboring kingdom, he was most anxious that she should be introduced. The servant was instructed by Miss Forbes to show the lady in, when the company were soon treated to a sight which was far from their ideas of the appearance of a French lady.

A tall, shapeless lady dressed in black silk, a shawl and bonnet, with a long pale visage adorned with a pair of spectacles, and encircled by a thickly bordered cap, stood before them. On entering she made a low curtsey, and commenced speaking in broken English with great volubility, stating her proficiency in the instruction of her native language, mentioning many families in which she had held the appointment of governess.

Miss Forbes was quite at a loss how to answer this uncouth-looking person, but said that as Mr. Forbes was engaged that evening, she would thank her to call again.

The gallant Captain, not wishing to let the opportunity slip of drawing Parlez-vous out, engaged her in conversation, entering into a lively chat for the amusement of the company. A hint from Matilda, inviting her into another room to remove her bonnet and shawl, put a stop to their conversation. In the absence of the stranger and Matilda, Miss Forbes seated herself at the piano, and played several favourite strathspeys of the Captain's, on hearing which he could not resist giving a few turns by himself. While engaged in the lively exercise of dancing his favourite Highland fling, he was joined by Madll. Dupont as partner, who suddenly shot into the room and imitated every step and turn. The figure the two presented at this moment,